For Your Breasts
Whether you would like to restore the breast shape & fullness you once had, correct asymmetry, or improve the fit and comfort of clothing. We invite you to learn more about your options for breast enhancement with Dr. Ellenbogen.

Breast Revisions


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Results may vary and are not guaranteed.

Breast implant revision surgery commonly involves removal and/or replacement of saline or silicone breast implants to change the size or type of the implant or to correct any complications from the primary breast augmentation. The overall goal is to restore a youthful breast contour and appearance.

The most common reason for breast revision is to increase or decrease breast size. Many women, as they age, the implants that they had placed at the age of 18 to look hot, now make them feel fat and smaller implants are placed at this time.

Another reason is for the either movement or capsular contraction and hardening around the implant from scar tissue. Another reason is asymmetry of the breasts as the result of skin stretching or weight loss or weight gain. Also, there are some women who wish to completely remove their breast implants.

Change in implant size is quite easy. An incision is made and the implant is removed, then a larger or a smaller implant is placed after enlarging the pocket for the implant, which can be either under the breast or under the muscle. Breast lift can be done at the same time. Capsular contracture or hardening of the tissue adjacent to the implant, which contracts and looks somewhat like Saran Wrap. The capsule is removed. Implant rippling and malposition are other reasons for revision. It is necessary to elevate the nipple, then an uplift can be performed.

Your options are either saline-filled breast implants filled with sterile saltwater, silicone implants filled with an elastic gel in a variety of shapes, and cohesive gel implants also known as gummy bear or formed stable implants are filled with a cohesive gel made of crosslinked molecules of silicone and makes them a bit thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants. This enables them to hold their shape better.

To make the most informed and intelligent decisions about your procedure, as far as size, type of implant, over or under the muscle be sure to ask the down-time after the surgery. This has been minimized significantly on newer surgeries when related to surgeries 10-20 years ago.

Breast Surgery Recovery

Whether you choose Breast Asymmetry, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, or Breast Revision surgery, you should:

  • Expect to feel tired and tender for the first 24 to 48 hours.* Your breasts will be bruised and sore be prepared to take it easy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and be sure to follow your medication schedule.
  • Allow enough time for recovery. If your job is not too physically demanding, you’ll probably be able to go back to work in a week or so.* If your work requires physical energy and stamina, you’ll need to allow more time for your recovery.
  • Avoid vigorous or strenuous exercise for six weeks.*
  • Know what to expect. Your stitches will be removed in a week to ten days. The incision scars will be firm and pink for at least six weeks, and then will begin to fade. Your breasts will remain swollen for three to four weeks following surgery.* They will be tender to touch and movement.
  • Avoid lifting and pushing for two weeks — no heavy lifting or pushing for four weeks.*
  • Allow about two months for complete recovery.*

* With optimal treatment. Results may vary for different patients and are not guaranteed. Contact our office to schedule a personalized consultation to determine if you are a good candidate.

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