Am I a Candidate for a Face Lift?


Am I a Candidate for a Face Lift?

 A face lift is an effective way to improve the signs of aging and help take years off of your appearance. However, it is important to make sure you are a good candidate before moving forward with the procedure. The best way to find out whether a face lift is right for you is to speak with Dr. Richard Ellenbogen in person.

During your initial consultation at our Beverly Hills office, Dr. Ellenbogen will evaluate the following factors to determine if you are an ideal candidate for a face lift:

  • Skin elasticity – The best candidates have supple, flexible skin. This is important since your skin will be stretched to smooth out wrinkles during a face lift.
  • Bone structure – Strong, well-defined bone structure will help provide support and ensure long lasting results. If you do not have strong bone structure, Dr. Ellenbogen may recommend facial implants in conjunction with your face lift for enhanced results.
  • Loose skin – Most face lift candidates have excess skin on the face or neck which can be trimmed and tightened to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, good candidates for a face lift are in good overall health, have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure, and either does not smoke or is willing to quit for the duration of the procedure and recovery period.

Age is less of a factor in determining whether you are a good face lift candidate than the criteria listed above. While most face lift patients are between the ages of 40 and 70, excellent results can be achieved well into your 70s or 80s.

Please contact Beverly Hills Body today to schedule your initial face lift consultation.  Dr. Richard Ellenbogen serves patients in Lost Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood, California.

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